Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30 6: First Real Rain

This week Hermana Espinoza and I are officially companions! We´ve technically been companions for the past four weeks since my other companion has been sick but we got a call last night (for cambios, when they tell you if you´re staying in the same area or not) and we´ll be in Portoviejo for the next 6 weeks! Hermana Miller and Rojas went to Guayaquil Wednesday morning so it´s just been the two of us in our apartment which has been SO weird. 
     We went looking for people who haven´t been to church in awhile and we found one man, Jorge, and we taught him and he said he couldn´t see but then he lead us across the street (with lots of traffic) and introduced to some guy? I don´t know, we were confused haha. I waas just afraid he was going to walk into traffic, still not sure if he can actually see or not...
     On Saturday we had Intercambios, which is when we swtich companions for a day and so I went to an area called 12 de Marzo and it´s so crazy how different one area is that´s not even 10 minutes away. Me and Hermana Lowe got to help one of people we taught cook and it felt SO good to actually cook because we don´t have much time to prepare actual meals,haha. But the woman we taught asked us to chop this good sized bag of onions and we were definitely crying by the end,ahh. 
       Then that night we went to a baptism and we made a new friend! His name is Jesus and he is this hilarious, chubby, 9 year old Bolivian kid and he sat next to us and told us all about his magnet and his favorite animals (including imaginary ones). Too bad he lives in the Sierra so we won´t be seeing him again. 
       This week´s been good, and we had the first real RAIN! It was in the evening and while we were in a home teaching we heard the rain coming down super hard and we didn´t have after our lesson we were a bit wet but we´ll make sure to remember our umbrellas next time.And when the rainy season hits here it´s even hotter so I´m crossing my fingers I don´t melt. Have a good week !

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