Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2: Second Week in Ecuador

This week has been crazy and full of surprises,as always. Weve been teaching the Sanchez family who are all members except the father and I love teaching families.theexclamation point isnt working so ill use a ... instead. After we taught him the first lesson we were about to leave then th wife motioned us over to their table which has two giant plates of rice, green stuff insert question mark in parenthesis then a WHOLE fish, eyes and all. It was actually really good and reminded me of washington minus the part of eating a whole fish. Every P Day we go to the mall here and this is definitely the closest ive felt to being in America. They play mostly American music here at the mall, some favorites were Thriller and some Rick Astley...Things are deifinitely different here, like how a lot of bathrooms in peoples homes dont have a normal handle to flush, instead you pour a bucket of water into the toilet, and kissing every woman on the cheek when you greet them, and of course the food... At lunch last Sunday one food we had was this sponge cakey thing made only from corn and peanut butter with pieces of chicken in it. This week has been really good, Ive never been so tired in my life though... Ill have to teach my companion what a piggy back ride is in English....real dot dot dots

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