Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16 4: Knocking Doors

Another week! This week´s been nice and hot, as always haha. Yesterday was great because a woman we teach (Cosuelo, think back to the birthday cake..) and her son, Jesus,came to church with us! It went really well and we´re teaching her later today. 
       In Ecuador everyone puts their garbage on the sidewalk in the evening and there are ALWAYS these scorungy dogs eating from them. But a few days ago we saw 2 cows eating from garbage bags instead...?haha, I guess it was a nice change from the usual cats and dogs. And then a man came out of his home with a stick and started waving it at the cows to shoow (shoo?) them away. 
       On Wednesday me and Hermana Espinoza worked with the two other elders (Elder Condori and Reynas) to find new people to teach so were knocking doors (well almost every home here has a giant gate in front so we have to yell "Buenas!" or do something else to get their attention) and my companion asked this man at one home for water. So he comes out with a cup of water but the water in Portoviejo is really bad, so it everyones gets those giant things of water (like the ones they uses in those water things that you press the button down on...I dont know why this is so hard to explain..?) and my compaion handed me the glass of water while she and the elders were talking with the man and told me to drink it..but I didn´t know if it was good water so I whispered "esta bien..?" pointing to the water and she shakes her head yeah. So I drink the whole glass of water (hesitantly) , then after we leave the home my companion says "I hope that water was good water.."...PURE PANIC! But I didnt get sick so I dont think it was bad. So far so good! 
       All is well in Portoviejo (except the water) and hopefully we can go to the other computer place so my photos will work....

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