Monday, December 7, 2015

12/7 7: Happy December

First off, I can´t believe it´s already December! This week has been nice and busy, filled with many hilarious moments. One being when there was a bee flying around on our ceiling so Hermana Espinoza tried throwing her flip flop to kill it but it just ended up hitting me in the face...oops! Or when we went to a member´s home to share a message and her and her friend were moving things in their home to the upper level of their house so we joined in! We totes carried a mattress up a flight of stairs as well as a wooden bedframe. It´s been raining here almost everyday and the rain is either really light or pouring, and the first time it pured we used our umbrellas and when we passed by a group of people I heard one of them say ¨theyre not from around here..¨, but in Spanish obviously... And we had a noche de hogar )family home evening) with the Loor family in our ward and it was so great! We got there and there were two plates of food for us! Which was perfect because earlier that mornign we had  to leave our house at 2 30 am to travel to guayaquil for something for h espinozas visa, so we had 8 hours on the bus that day haha. But the dinner the Loor family made us was so delicous, it was rice ) do i even need to writethat) and mani ( this peanut buttery stuff, sometimes it has fish in it..) the message we shared with them was the Christmas message of the church Ha Nacido Un Salvador and its a video that everyone should watch! (attach video aqui hehe) Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, CHAO!!

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