Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6/17: Missionary Manicure and Lots of Rain

Another week! Yesterday Maria Mendoza and her daughter Luz Clara Cedeño came to church and they loved! They were so cute all dressed up. Practically members. But we found out yesterday that her husband, who she´s NOT married to, lives in the same house as her..theyve been sepearted for 10 years and sleep in different rooms and he like had another wife and got married to another woman and had a family with her and the hose beongs to maria but he doesn´t want to we´re praying that she´ll have permission to get soul is so pained for her! She NEEDS to get baptized, not to name favorites but she´s probably my favorite investigator,haha. Her and her daugter are SO great and already have testimonies of the church and the book of mormon. Pray that they can get baptized the 25th of february!
   This week we had intercambios and I went to montecristi with hermana franco and it rained SO hard. Then yesterday we went to the house of the 2nd counselor to eat lunch and after one of his family members who paints nails had brought this giant tub of nail polish and was like sit down Im going to paint your nails! So I had my first manicure yesterday...I felt really weird, a missionary getting her nails down? haha. But she really wanted to paint them so watcha gonna do. 
   I also saw a quote this week that I LOVE, so here it is.¨Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings,increase their opportunities, comfort their souls,raise up friends and pour out peace.´-Ezra Taft Benson. 
   Well, it´s still raining here and we´re still wearing our ponchos (sometimes...other times I just don´t bother) but everything´s going well here in Jaramijo. LOVE YOU! CHAO!

Didn´t have many photos from this week,. just this one from the grocery store! I decided I´m going to try all the weird fruits I can while here.

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