Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/17: Temple Trip

This week included a trip to the temple! We left bright and early Thursday morning at 3 am! We left the bus terminal at 4am and got to guayaquil at about 8am. Then we arrived at the temple and went to a session in the morning. Later, we waited in the temple housing and studied a bit then got to go do iniciatories which was really cool, then we went to another session right after in the night! 2 sessions in one day. Such a cool experience. Then on friday we had a multizone conference and at the end all the people who are leaving next month had to go up front and give their testimonies. terrifying.
    So we´re teaching the daughters of a less active woman that´s also named maria castro..and it´s funny because she lives like 6 houses away. #whichmaria But she has 3 children and 2 aren´t bapitzed and the 2 girls aredying to get baptized,haha. One is named Paulina,10, and the other domenica,8, and they showed us their book of mormon, complete with princess stickers. They´ll be getting baptized on march 18th! Pray that everything goes well and that their father also gives them permission..we taught him once and he´s nice. Him and maria are separated so it´s kind of complicated. 
   Strange thing, this week I´ve have 2 dreams that one of our investigators, maria castro (the other one) got baptized! The first time was friday night and I just remember seeing her get baptized. Then this morning I woke up and remembered my dream and it was the weirdest dream ever. I was walking on some dirt road and i was talking to mom on the phone (rule breaker) while I was filling out the baptism record (okay, it´s called ficha bautismal in spanish so I´m not sure how to say it in english) of maria castro. I was also walking past an evangelical church and they were all singing and clapping and I was telling mom that I couldn´t hear her because they were singing too well. Not sure what it means but we´ll see! Maria Castro hasn´t really been progressing so I´m so confused about these dreams, because I usually never remember my dreams. We´ll see. 
   Carnaval also started on saturday and ends tomorrow,it´s basically just a holiday where everyone gets each other wet with buckets and water balloons..but we´re working as normal and so far no one has gotten us wet! 
    Well, time´s going by super quick. I´m trying to enjoy every moment I have here and soak up all the sun I can! Love you all so much!!! CHAO CHAO!

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