Monday, January 9, 2017

1/9/17: Montecristi Museum

Time is going by way too fast. We`ve already been here for like 2 weeks! Yesterday we brought one lady to church, her name is Maria Castro, she has 4 children and she`s seperated from her husband. We found her contacting and in the first visit she was like yeah I`d like to go to church....okay yeah! Then we passed by a secnd time on Saturday to teach herr and she was in a blow up swimming pool with like 4 of her children so that was an interesting lesson? More to come on Maria...Also I spoke yesterday in sacrament meeting on you guessed it- missionary work. I`ve never had to give a talk before yesterday haha, almost got away with it my whole mission...
   Then today for p-day we made lunch in the house, hermana Roylance and I made arepas and the macaroni and cheese from the chirstmas package and a fried egg to go with the arepa. Then we left with a member, Hermana Laris, to go to montecristi. There we went to a muesum and took a ton of photos and then looked at some of the shops. And now we`re here writing. The branch here is pretty small, Yesterday there were like 60 people at church and there were like 15 sisters in relief society. Time to make this branch a ward!
     Well, those are probably the most interesting things thave have happend this week, CHAO LOVE YOU!!
we went to some museum today in montecristi, enjoy!


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