Monday, January 16, 2017

1/16/17: Flight Plans!

AHH!! I can`t even concentrate because I just read the official flight plan for my return home. WHAT. I feel like there`s still so much time left and last night it hit me  that  there`s only NINE MORE WEEKS. That`s  insane. We`ve been contacting and walking like crazy people this week trying to find someone to bring to church! We`re still visiting maria castro and she wants to learn more she just has trouble understanding, but we`ll work with her on that.. We`re  visiting her in like an hour so pray that everything goes good! She has 4 children, and all their names begin with K, Kevin, Kerlie, Kenya and Karla. We also taught a woman named MAriana Anchundia a few times and she`s way great, hopefully she`ll go to  church this sunday! 
  Hmm, what else..everything`s going good here, Hermana mayo is in her third week of training! She`s a quirky little thing her. Always talking about her  food from peru and these words they only use in Peru,haha. Here it`s been SUPER hot , but you already knew that. This sector is HUGE and we`re slowly but surely knowing more and more of it! We made appointments to viisit a handful of the members this week and I`m making no bake cookies to bring them to try to win over their hearts,uhhh.....WELL, next week I`ll write a more quality email, I`m sure I say that every week....but next week it`ll be true. LOVE YOU ALL!! CHAO CHAO!

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