Monday, October 31, 2016

10/31/16: Hall-o-whatttt? Halloween.

First off, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  I`m sure everyone`s gotten their costumes ready and has already eaten too much candy,haha. They don`t really celebrate halloween here, but they do celebrate el dia de los muertos which is november 1 and 2 , something like that,who knows. But what they do here is they drink a lot of something that`s called colada morada and it`s this purple drink with  a bunch of different fruits and it`s super sweet, look it up! We`ve already had 3 giant glasses from the members this week. They also eat this special bread that they usually make it to look like a little doll with braids, it`s called wagwa or something? it`s a name in kichwa and I don`t speak kichwa. They also do that thing where they cook all the favorite foods of their ancestors that have died and then they say that the spriits come and eat it but really anyone who comes to their house just come andeat it..
   This week we had a conference with Elder Montoya in Guayaquil and it was awesome! He and his wife both spoke and mostly spoke on missionary work (obviously) and the importance of prominsing blessings to the people we teach and also to the members.
    And, lisette barreto, the wife of a less active that we`re teaching, accepted a baptism date! She and her little fam are so cute. She`ll be getting baptized the 19th of november. Then the week after that-primary program. Nuff said. We all know how awesome those are. Should be interesting with all the crazy energetic latin children too haha. 
   Well, I hope everyone`s halloween is wonderful! Love you all so much!!! 

P-day AKA pie day

Funny story...last monday we had to call the patriarch and his wife and the bishop also showed up, to install a fire alarm that the mission said everyone has to have. Look at them go!

selfie with emily mite, getting baptized the 12th!

 Picture with a dead chancho, so great. 

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