Monday, March 7, 2016

3/7 20: Francisco's Baptism

It´s March! And Saturday was the day of Francisco Velasquez´s baptism! Saturday was kind of a crazy day, the baptism was set to start at 5 but we went to the church at 3 30 to clean the baptismal font with the help of the bishop and his wife. After that we set up chairs, made a ton of calls and awaited the arrival of Francisco. We were also waiting for the zone leaders to bring the baptismal clothing for Francisco and we were so nervous it wouldn´t be the right size, but it was perfect! To start the baptismal service we sang Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy, then there was a short message about baptism then the bishop´s wife bore her testimony, then Francisco was baptized. After the baptismal service was over and I was shaking Francisco´s hand to congragulate him he said ´´It´s because of you I was baptized´´ (Well en Espanol..) and it was one of the best moments of my mission. And yesterday he was confirmed a member of the church during sacrament meeting. 
   This week also included two ¨temblores´´ haha, we woke up a few days ago to our apartment shaking, woo! We´ve also been contacting where all the rich people live haha. Everyone calls then Peliconas, but there´s so many super rich houses here, it´s weird. But it´s a challenge bcause all of them have these giant gates and so you have to try your best to contact them or talk with them on their little intercoms...haha. Talk to you next week, CHAO!!

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