Monday, March 28, 2016

3/28 23: Cake in the Face and Women's Conference

This past week was Semana Santa andddd it was kind of like every other week, haha. On Friday though there was almost no one on the streets because everyone on this day is in their homes with their families. They also don´t eat meat on this day and the people that are super catholic don´t eat meat this whole week and sometimes longer depending on the family and their traditions. They also have processions of  people and there´s one person with a giant cross and depending on the procession they have costumes and what not...we saw one but the group wasn`t very big and there was just one person carrying a cross... And on Tuesday at the zone meeting they surprised me with  a cake! They sang happy birthday in English and then in Spanish and after they said it was tradition to lick a bit of frosting off the cake and me not suspecting anything did just that and a second later my face was in the cake thanks to Hermana Quispe and Reyna haha. Pictures to come... 
           And Alex will be baptized the 9th of April because he took a bit of alcohol but it´s not a big problem for him and he´s learned his lesson..aha, but he´s progressed so much and he´s practically already a member. I can totally see him being the bishop one day! 
             And Saturday was the women´s conference and it was great! We got there a little 20 minutes late...haha, but it was still really good! We were teaching  a lesson before and the woman gave us crackers so we couldn´t just leave to go to the conference. But every talk was about service and having charity for others and all the videos were great! And it was nice to hear the songs from the choir in English!! They had the words for the people watching to sing in English, but nobody in the stake center sang (because they dont speak english..) but it´´s such a blessing we havet to hear the Prophet and everyone else speak and not to have to hear the translators. I never though about that before my misson. But it´s been another good week and soon it´ll be April!! LOVE YOU AND CHAO!

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