Monday, July 25, 2016

7/25 (40): Best Week Ever

THIS WEEK!!!! The reason the subject line is filled with exclamation points is because this week was the best ever. Yesterday a family we´ve been teaching, the family Vasquez-Mero, accepted a baptism date! It´s a family of six people. Katy Mero, the mother, Hector Vasquez, the father, their three daughters, Mauly (19), Shirley (17), Helen (11) and their son Mateo (7). We were so nervous before (and while..) teaching them but they´re all so prepared. Yesterday was the first time they came to church and they loved. Their daughters love young womens and personal progress and it´s so cute to see how excited they are about it. Hermana Casana and I were pretty sure that the mother would accept to be baptized but we weren´t so sure about the husband because he was a little less enthusiastic before, but yesterday when we asked them to be baptized, they both said yes at the same time without thinking twice. The mother, Katy, started crying and said that she had been waiting for this. It felt like a dream and I´ve never felt a joy so strong in all my life! The whole family ( apart from Mateo) will be baptized August 13. mark it in your calendars! When they arrived to church they looked like they had been members all their lives. 
    I don´t know what will top the first part of this letter, but this week weeee...made friends with a cow in a part called Rosales, cut papaya from a tree (but not really), ate a tonnnn of rice (saturday night like three people after lunch gave us rice or noodles..full carbs!) and had the best night ever yesterday with the family vasquez mero. I finally tried a food here that I don´t like....someone gave us the smoothie of platano (ca-choola, I don´t know how ot spell that..) and it was so gross haha. It was like all warm and platanos shouldn´t be liquidized. We also had a few temblores, woo hoo! One happend Tuesday night at  around 8:30 and we were in ward council and it was so funny because everyone just BOLTED out of the room, buttt the fastest person was Hermano Alvares who´s like 70 years old and he´s my favorite! He´s gone with us and Mariana Nuñez (the mother of the Nuñez family who introduced us to the family vasquez mero) and he´s so sweet but can be sassy haha. He was definitely the first one to leave the room and everyone teased him for it aha. But yeah, this week´s been pretty great. Hope everyone´s doing well, LOVE YOU ALL! CHAO! 

More papaya cutting...

Someone gave us this fruit! They call it fruta de china?
A picture of the best family ever...(apart from our family) , the family
vasquez of the sisters from our ward passed by and handed them
this picture of the temple, pretty perfect right?haha.

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