Monday, September 12, 2016

9/12: ONE YEAR!

ONE YEAR ON THE MISSION! I can´t believe we hit the one year mark this week, how the heck?! It feels so weird to have been in a foreign country for a whole year, only 6 more months of rice!.To celebrate..we went out teaching!haha. This saturday in the night, Carlos Ponce , the husband of a recent convert Juana Forty, will be getting baptized! He is so funny and sometimes falls asleep in the middle of the lessons...but he just says the funniest things sometimes- Are you excited to go to church on sunday? Yeah, if I don´t wake up dead. hahaha, oh man carlos...And then we´re teaching 17 year old Angel Garcia who is also going to be baptized , on the 24th! We got permision to baptize him this week and its so funny because when we asked him what his parents would say about him getting baptized (because they have to give their consent) he said he had already talked to them about it. He´s super excited about his baptism and igoing to have hector vasquez (the father of the vasquez mera family) baptize him. 
    Today we went to a sketchy dentist office because Hermana Parker chipped her tooth, then we went to lunch at the house of the nunez family and ate ceviche, yum! But this week has been super good.Oh yeah, did I already tell you guys how there´s a new rule where we have to wear sunglasses if it´s sunny outside? #supergringa 
    Well, today in my personal study I came across a super great scripture in James 1:22, it´s really simple but good. And also I ´ve been reading the Liahona that has all the conference talks from the past conference, and there´s one by Elder Uchtdorf that´s called He will place you on his shoulders and carry you home, go take a look at it! 
   It´s been another great week, went by super fast as usual,haha. Hope everyone is getting back into the groove of things since school and everything has started again. Love you all so so much! CHAO CHAO CHAO!

Trying to get a picture before the bus came...

One year!!

Hermana Parker chipped a tooth so we went to the dentist this morning to get it fixed!

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