Monday, April 18, 2016

4/18...26: Word After the Earthquake

Good morning!! I don´t even know where to start, these past few days have been so crazy! To start off, I was transfered to Jaramijo in Manta Thursday morning because the cambios this time were different, usually they happen on Sunday, so I had been in Jaramijo for like 3 days when the earthquake happend. Jaramijo is a super humble area, WAY different than Portoviejo, and our house is about two blocks away from the sea. The view from our house is (was..) so gorgeous! But anways, I´m in a trio with hermana reina and aburto and we had just left a lesson in a more humble area with houses of caña and it was such a blessing we were there and not in the center where we had planned on being in our plans in our agenda because the place where we were the houses are far apart and theres not that many  buildings so the damage wasn´t so bad. But we were walking and the ground start shaking and it was so strong we couldn´t even walk so we were holding onto to eachother in a circle and hermana aburto said a prayer. After the earthquake we walked as fast as we could to find a moto (here they dont have taxis, they just use these things where there´s a motorcycle and theres a little carriage thing to sit in) so we could get to the center of jaramijo because where we were is like 20 mins away to walk. So we finally found a moto that wasn´t taken and we got to main place of the city (I don´t really know what to call this..?) and so many of the houses were destroyed and it was such a crazy sight. We went to our house to get our emergency backpacks but part of our house was missing and the woman who owns the house locked a different door that we don´t have the key to so went to the chapel and there were already other members there . We waited awhile for the zone leaders to come and get us and then we went to the chapel in Manta with the other missionaries in our zone. We slept outside on the cobblestone for awhile because the chapel wasn´t super secure, but after awhile it started raining so we got permission to sleep in the chapel haha. Then the next day we just read our scriptures, waited for the elders to bring us food (haha) and slept for awhile. The whole day the assistants to the president were calling our zone leaders and trying to figure out how to get us to Guayaquil and we finally left at about 5:30 to get on a bus. We waited for awhile for all the missionaries in our zone to get there and we left a little after 8 and got to Guayaquil around 12 then went to the temple housing. When we arrived the president of the temple and his wife and a few other members had all this food for us and it was the best meal ever! I can´t believe an earthquake like this actually happend, it feels like a movie or something.But we´re all safe and I´m glad I can write to you!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

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