Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11 25: A Baptism and a Haircut

This is going to be a shorter email (than usual). Alex Bolanos's baptism was this saturday and it went great!! His family came too which was great. It was such a special moment to see him get baptized by the bishop. It was so funny at the end of the service because this one old couple kept trying to congratulate alex before the closing prayer and they got up two times and started shakimg his hand and then another person got up and it was way funnier to actually be there than what I'm writing haha. Then the next day he was confirmed and he came with a white shirt and the first counselor gave him a tie to use haha. 
    And then this morning my companion gave me a haircut! There has never been time during P-Day to get  a haircut and my hair was way too long so she cut it in like 5 minutes this morning. Pictures to come.....
    But this week has been great and we have a new convert!! Oh yeah, and there was a multizone conference in Guayaquil wednesday and thursday and we got to go to the temple and heard great messages from President and Sister Dennis. 
    Love you all so much!!! Have a great week!!

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