Monday, December 28, 2015

12/28 10: Christmas

This week was Christmas!!!! The best part was definitley skyping with everyone and getting to speak in ENGLISH! Before skype my companion and I were so stressed because the cyber we were going to skype at didnt have cameras, so then we ran over to the other cyber nearby and thankfully they had everything for Skype, a Christmas miracle,haha!After skyping we went to dinner at one of the counselors of our stake and had a delcious meal with their cute family and ALL of the missionaries in our zone in Portoviejo. The dinner included rice, chicken, salad (were not supposed to eat lettuce but most of the missonaries did anyways.,..oops!) and then of course cake! They had christmas programs from the Mormon Tabernacle choir on their tv and it was so festive and great! Then we went to the house of the missonaries in 12 de Marzo to spend Christmas with them since we couldnt leave the house til the 26th. For lunch on Christmas day we had food that a member brought us (rice and turkey ) along with food from Hermana Mancuso (from florida) like stuffing, grazy and cranberry sauce so it was a multicultural Christmas lunch,haha. This week weve been teaching a m,an named ANgel Tobias who is the husband of a member in our ward. Hes this spry (spelling)87 year old, always wears these white suit pants and green button up shirts with the sweetest oxfords haha and he wasalso an engluish teacher so he like to use his english phrases when we visit. This weeks been good and I cant believe its goong to be 2016!!

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