Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1/26 14: Conference and Cake

First off, sorry this email is a day late! We didn{t have P day yesterday because we had a conference for the Hermanas yesterday and left at 7amin the bus and just got back to Portoviejo before lunch. Its been raining a lot this week and one day when we were knocking doors trying to find someone to teach, we found a woman named Betty Cirvantes! We were knocking the door across from her little home when she poked her head out the window and started talking to us. Then she invited us in, which was especially great because my skirt was soaked,haha. She told us how she had prayed for a sign from God and that when she saw us outside her window that that was her sign. She had been taught by missionaries about 3 years ago and said I looked like one of them. So we talked with her for awhile and it felt like we had known her for years and she opened up to us so quickly. She has 4 sons and lives with the father and said she{ll probably get married in our church...kind of like the investigator of our dreams! She is so sweet and has so much faith! 
      This week...one day the sister who was going to feed us lunch wasn{t home so instead we bought a cake! The natural thing to do,right_ But dont worry, we ate some real food two. OH, and I killed my second and third cucarachas this week, it{s even harder when they fly! And Hermana Espinoza completed 5 months on the misson today,wooo!!! 
      And yesterday we had a conference with all the hermanas at the misson home with Hermana Dennis and it was so great! There was one talk that Hermana Dennis shared that I especially loved called Living by the power of faith by Elder Gene R. Cook. Its in Spanish so I dont know if this is the exact translation, but all the more reason to look it up! THis talk is great for everyone and are good things to remember for everyone who has goals that they want to accomplish (which should be everyone!) So these are the 6 steps to use faith as a principle of power to accomplish your goals 1. Believe 2. COmmit yourself 3. do your part 4. pray 5. know that there will be opposition 6. have faith that the lord will act. One of my favorite parts of this talk is when it says that we should have a vision of what we want to accomplish and see with the eyes of faith as if the things we want to accomplish have already happend. Hope this helps! Love all of you so much, CHAO!!

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