Monday, January 18, 2016

1/18 13: New Hermanas

Portoviejo is wonderful as always this week! Pretty sure this city has the best sunsets ever because we were walking on the street one evening and the sun was perfectly aligned between the buildings on each side of the street and was this gorgeous pink and orange color (okay this is how every sunset is, haha). Also we{ve recieved our fair share of food this week... One day we visited the Loor family and the mother, Nelida Loor, came out with all this food, which included an empanada with queso (sprinkled with sugar), papaya and then a small plate of mani (its like peanut butter but not..) with this white cheese everyone makes here that makes a squeaky noise when you chew it. Then for lunch yesterday we were given not one but TWO pieces of cake from the Lozano family, and weve gotten mangos from 3 different people this week so we have been well fed this week. 
      Two new hermanas arrived this week to live here in La Paz with us, one is Hermana Pugh (Logan,Utah) and the other is Hermana Mancuso (Miami,Florida) and its been so great having them here with us! Because both of them are new here in this area weve been showing them around and introducing them to the members of the ward. One night all of us went to home of the Sanchez family and while we were teaching one of their chickens was just circling my legs,ahh..But this week has been great and one of our investigators (Francisco) is also doing great and always come to church, even when he comes alone with his crutches. Love all of you! CHAO!

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