Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/6: Touring Bogota, Colombia

Today we toured Bogota, Colombia after going to the temple and it was SO great! Every group at the CCM gets to go on a tour for around 4 hours when they begin their fifth week so its basically our one shot to be touristy.Bogota is so gorgeous and I love all of the green mountains!To begin our tour, we went on this skylift up a mountain (Colombian initiation!) to this church(Monserati) and it was so cool, the little car thing we were rode in was at this crazy angle so you could see everyone below you.We climbed up a bit further where all the good photo spots are and the view was so gorgeous. the pictures dont do it justice. We attempted to ride a llama but our tour guide ( a teacher from the CCM) said we couldnt because of healh reasons..but i think those of us that didnt get to ride it wouldve gladly taken the risk. Then it was souveneir shopping time! It was kind of overwelming to look at ALL the booths then decide which things to get, but I decided on a few bracelets and this awesome Colombia t shirt with a mariachi band (spelling..) on it. Going back to Friday, we went prosleyting at this park/ shopping centre in Bogota for 3 hours and it was great but SO difficult. We definitley dont have the´¨Spanish ear¨¨ yet because even simple things like names sound NOTHING like what they actually are to us, like if we got a referral from someone and they wrote their name down we wouldve never guessed that was their name..but there was this really sweet woman we talked to and she started crying because she was so happy we gave her one of the church magazines and she kissed our hands, it was so sweet. Saturday and Sunday were General Conference!!! So many wonderful talks, some of my favorites were Von G. Keetch (attach link to talk here..) and Gregory Shwitzer. Sunday was also a great day because it was CERAL SUNDAY, and the milk was cold! The milk here comes in these rectangle containers with a guy that looks like David Tenant on it...But the CCM is still going great, the new Latinos get here tonight so thatll be exciting!!

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