Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15: Last Week in the CCM

This time next week we´´ll be in Ecuador...!! Sometimes I forget that we wont be in the CCM forever so the fact that we´ll be flying out of here tuesday morning is the best feeling. This week the Nortes in my room (Hermana Parker, Beutler and Ely) and I got Latina names from our Latina roommates, and mine in Hermana Torres,haha. I can see it. And then we gave the 4 hermanas in our room American names like Anderson,I think its easier for all of us to just say these names instead....but really haha. We´ve been studying a lot this week, per usual, especially since everyone well be talking to in less than a week will be speaking in Spanish. To survive the long hours of studying and teaching the Hermanas in our district have taken to group shoulder massages and are mastering the art of back cracking. One of my and Hermana Parker´s word of the day for this week is ´humid (moist) and we particularly loved the sentence used in the dictinary="the rich,moist fruitcake is delicious". And yesterday we had orientation for THE FIELD (Ecuador) and its starting to sink in that well be there soon!! Well I hope everyone is doing well, ¡CHAO!

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