Monday, December 26, 2016

12/26/16: Ahhhhhh, This Week!

WOW, SO MUCH HAPPEND THIS WEEK. We went to Guayaquil monday afternoon and had a family home evening sort of thing with other zones, then later this week we had a baptism and it was great! It was Christmas eve and it was the baptism of Gabi Rojas and it was at  9 AM, more like 9 45 because everyone showed up late,haha. But it went really well, Gabi was super happy! He works for the governor or something and he`s always SUPER busy and he has like 3 different jobs on top of that so it was good that everything worked out to have his baptism that day. Then later that night we went to sing as a zone at Malecon with the stake choir. We sang all the christmas hymns then we sang that alelujah song that`s on Shrek and we sang it in spanish and it was  astruggle aha. Then the stake choir started singing other songs and I didn`t know some of them so I kind of just did what I`s the same as talking, it´s just louder and you more your voice up and down! Pretty sure I didn`t quote that correctly because it`s been awhile since seeing that..uhh... And of yeah..... Last night the zone leaders called us and told me that both me and my companion are going to train! I have cambios to a different place and she`s staying here to train but I`m freakin out, what do I do...Opening a sector and training. WHAT. That`ll be interesting. There are only 2 sisters that are coming this transfer and they`re both from Peru. Whatttt....Many stories to come. Well, I`m going to go take some deep breathes and drink some water. LOVE YOU ALL!!! Hope you all had a marvelous Christmas and have  agreat new year!! CHAO CHAO!

FIRST UP-The baptism of Gabi Rojas the morning of Christmas eve,

 The streets of Ecuador 

We took a lot of pictures today..haha

More photos at Malecón .. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

12/19/16: Merry Christmas from the Mission President

Dear Family of Sister Tirrell,
In behalf of the Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission, we send you a very warm greeting and a Merry Christmas. We wish your family the richest of blessings during this Christmas season. We encourage you to share your uplifting experiences with your daughter in your weekly emails, just as she does with the people she serves. Attached is the Christmas picture of your daughter with her zone.
Once again, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. 
President Rosendo Santos
Sister María Santos
Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission

12/19/16: The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer...

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear! How is it aleady almost christmas ?? So crazy.This week we went on a trip to Mapasingue! Our leaders called us Tuesday night right before we went to bed and told us that we were going to have to be in the terminal the next morning to travel to Mapasingue. It`s because my new companion, Hermana Mancuso, sang in a choir for an activity that the mission did in Guayaquil. So we were there from wednesday to sunday morning! And while my companion went to choir practices everyday and then performed in the activity, I was with another hermana, hermana Mendoza, and she was Mary in one of the live nativities that they had in the fair where the activity was Saturday. The activity Saturday was a fair and it was in a place called Concha acustica (something like that) and on thursday,friday and saturday there were 7 nativities and the activity was with 2 other missions, guayaquil south and guayaquil north mission. And in the nativities the people at the fair could take their pictures and then they had to write down all their information so that we can send them their picture slash (I can`t find the slash button on this keyboard..) so that the missionaries can go contact them! And guess who took the pictures in one of the nativities, me! The first night we took 98 photos...and then the next night there weren`t that many people and then saturday there were SOO many people!! We took over 200 photos over the 3 days...
In other news, Gabi Rojas is going to be baptized this saturday, On Christmas Eve! So excited for him. He`s so ready. Yesterday we were teachiing him and he sounded like a gospel preacher,haha. He`s just very deep and he gets really into what he`s saying. Then there`s Miguel Ortega, our best friend. He`s one of the sweetest people ever! He`s like 70 years old, always rides his bicycle to the chapel and his greatest desire is to be baptized! We taught him tuesday and he accepted a baptism date for january 7th! Right after we said the prayer he asked us what he needed to do to get baptized....more to come! 
    We put some chirstmas lights up in the house, found  a nativity scene in a drawer of one of the dressers in our room but it`s missing baby Jesus...and we also found a mini christmas tree that we`re going to put together soon! Hope everyone has a very JOLLY christmas!!! FELIZ NAVIDADDD!!! CHAO, love you!

Monday, December 5, 2016

12/5/16: Otra Semana!!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures from this week, haha. They`re not the coolest but we`re going to take some more this week. Saturday we had a conference as a zone with the president and we got there at 8 am and left at 3, woo! And we hadn`t eaten lunch so president took us to shopping and bought us all carl`s jr...and cake.haha, so funny. Then while we were all eating this little girl popped out of nowhere and handed me the drawing that I have in the pictures I sent. I was so confused! And then we figured out that it was this one man that was drawing and he talked with one of the elders, then we went and talked to him, gace him some cake and one of the cards for the christmas iniciative and then he showed us a picture of him with the Pope, #we`reinecudaor . His name was pedro! 
   Then yesterday we had our stake conference so we met together with 2 other wards at 3 pm and then at 8 we watched the christmas devotional! We had invited all of our investigators but none of them could come, 10 minutes before it started we went and talked with some people of a family we had invited to some movie night we dida few weeks ago to come to the devotional and we got one of the couples who lived there to come, woo! so the elders that work in that sector will be visiting them I`m sure. 
   And the other photos I sent are from Thanksgiving,ha. Watch out ecuador!! We`re still teaching azucena and herlinda and lisette and we`re going to try to help lisette get baptized the 17th of this month,woo. 
   People here already have their crazy latin christmas lights hung up ( i don`t know why, but the christmas lights here just aren`t the same..) and we have a little baby christmas tree in the apartment that was already here. ç
    Well, Hope everything`s going swell up there in the states, have a fantastic week!! LOVE YOU!!!