Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9: Arriving in Colombia

Hello Family! I can¨t believe Im in the MTC! Or I mean the CCM...We got into the Colombia airport last night and after getting our luggage we were greeted by the cutest Hermana with a sign for our group and were greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek. Driving up to the CCM was kind of a shock because it is SO TINY. There are 5 other Hermanas and 8 or 10 elders that arrived with me. My companion is Hermana Parker and she is really cool!Shes from Utah, or as the Latins here call it, the Mormon factory. Her and I share a room with two Latins, and so when we met it was funny because we all just kind of stood there and laughed because we couldn{t understand each other.So theres the Latins and they call us Nortes haha. Oh, and at breakfast I saw Hermana Barney! It was fun seeing a familiar face here even though I dont know her very well.After breakfast this morning we met together and had interviews with the Presidente and his wife. And after that.... I GOT MY NAME TAG! Totally official now. Its so funny seeing the Latins here try to pronouce my name because it makes no sense with those two Rs and Ls..But everything}s going good here. ADIOS!!

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